How Better-Quality Feedback Can Drive Workplace Success

Better-quality feedback helps drive workplace success. These discussions help elevate employee performance to further benefit the organization. Creating a feedback-rich environment drives long-term team success.

Elements of Better-Quality Feedback

Better-quality feedback includes the following elements:

  • Timeliness: Offer feedback soon after the event so the team members can take action.
  • Detail: Clarify which tasks and events require improvement.
  • Specificity: Provide concrete feedback to strengthen understanding and take action.
  • Constructiveness: Suggest positive solutions to encourage implementation.
  • Communication: Encourage the team members to ask questions to gather more information, clarify understanding, and improve performance.

How Better-Quality Feedback Improves Performance

The following are ways better-quality feedback improves performance:

  • Direction: Identifying performance indicators helps the team member understand their goal progress.
  • Motivation: Feedback motivates the team member to complete tasks, enhance their strengths, and reach company goals.
  • Engagement: Offering, receiving, and implementing feedback elevates team member engagement.
  • Performance improvement: Understanding the team member’s impact on others encourages improvement.

Types of Better-Quality Feedback

The appropriate type of feedback depends on the goal. Common examples include:

360-degree feedback

360-degree feedback involves colleagues, managers, supervisors, coworkers, and direct reports. These professionals use pre-designed questions, a rating scale, and space for written comments to support performance improvement.

The advantages of 360-degree feedback include:

  • Better understanding of the role and team expectations
  • A clearer understanding of team feedback
  • Insight into specific skills for improvement
  • Ability to develop strengths

Constructive feedback

Constructive feedback includes positive and negative statements for motivation and encouragement. The advantages include:

  • Perspectives on achievements and areas for improvement
  • Specific, measurable suggestions to do better
  • Concrete problem-solving


Coaching encourages a team member to critique their performance so the manager can provide input. The advantages include:

  • Feedback skill development
  • Understanding a team member’s concerns
  • Collaborative relationships


Evaluation uses a scoring tool for you and a team member to rate performance and discuss answers. The advantages include:

  • Numerically evaluating performance
  • Open discussion of performance
  • Measuring improvement

Tips to Provide Better-Quality Feedback

These tips can help you provide better-quality feedback:

  • Understand your feedback goal to determine which approach to use.
  • Write down your feedback to ensure it is specific and honest.
  • Provide weekly feedback to improve team performance.
  • Encourage and implement feedback to elevate your management and leadership skills.

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