When you’ve staffed a shift and an employee doesn’t show up (and doesn’t call in), it’s a problem for everyone else on that shift. They’ll be working short-handed, which can be mentally and physically draining. Plus, production can dip and customer satisfaction can be affected. This isn’t an ideal way to run a business, so it helps to have a plan when it comes to no-call, no-show employees.
First, develop an attendance policy
You can’t be upset with employees breaking rules that aren’t officially rules. And that’s why it’s important to devise an attendance policy. This way, you will have a documented set of rules both you and your employees can refer back to in the event of a no call, no show. Your attendance policy should define what you consider absent, tardy and no call, no show. It should also explain the difference between excused and non-excused absences, the process for requesting time off, and what disciplinary actions you will take for repeated tardiness, absences, and no-call, no-shows.
Be sure all employees understand the policy
Include information about your attendance policy within the employee handbook and be sure every employee has a copy. Review the attendance policy on a regular basis (such as once a year at a team in-service) to be sure it’s fresh in everyone’s minds. Be open to questions and ready to answer any inquiries your employees may have.
Enforce your policy
It’s only fair if you enforce it equally with all employees. You’ve established your policy and consequences and it’s important you follow through with them. This could lead to warnings, suspension or even termination. Stay in contact with your recruiter if you find yourself down an employee and need to staff up quickly to cover the gap.
Build a better scheduling process
If an employee needs to take time off, for a sick day or a personal matter, for example, your scheduling process should make it easy to do so. When you make your schedule, ask employees if there are any particular days or times that work best for them. If you know ahead of time when your workers might have conflicts, it can make it much easier to avoid absences.
It can also help to create an on-call list you can turn to if you find yourself short-handed and need to call in an employee to pick up a shift. This bit of extra planning can mean the difference between a full shift versus a skeleton crew. It will help you avoid overworking the employees who showed up, or even leading to burnout in the long-term if call-ins keep happening.
Improve the quality of Your Hiring Matches
Another way to avoid no-call, no-shows and frequent employee absences is through the quality of your hiring matches. By finding the right employees, you can help your company maintain adequate staffing and avoid turnover. Contact us today to learn more.