Is Guilt Taking a Toll on Your Work?

Increasing your productivity is an admirable goal. However, it can lead to guilt and take a toll on your work. Trying to accomplish more each day might mean taking away time for much-needed breaks. If unexpected circumstances arise, you might be consistently behind with your scheduled tasks. As a result, you might experience feelings of […]

4 Tips to Get Out of a Work Rut

Starting a new job is exciting. You feel hopeful about the future as you decide what to accomplish. Over time, your excitement begins to fade. You form work relationships, adjust to your job duties and responsibilities, and follow a routine. As you start to lose your drive, you may find yourself falling into a work […]

5 Ways to Survive Working Long Hours

Busy young elegant woman in eyeglasses looking at laptop display

There will be times throughout your career when you must survive working long hours. This may be during a busy season, to finish a significant project, or to resolve an unexpected issue. Of course, working long hours can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Consistently being exposed to high amounts of stress […]

How to Compare Job Offers

Greeting new colleagues, Handshake while job interviewing, male candidate shaking hands with Interviewer or employer after a job interview, employment and recruitment concept

When finding your next job, you might receive multiple offers. If so, you want to compare job offers to determine which fits your goals, needs, and lifestyle best. Comparing job offers is especially important if the roles are similar. Examining what each offer includes helps you decide which one to accept. Learn how to compare […]