Five Ways to Promote Mental Health Within Your Team

promote mental healthEmployee mental health is more critical now than ever before. Stress from the pandemic has infiltrated everyone’s lives and made the day-to-day more difficult. Workers have had to adjust to shifting policies and procedures to maintain safety, hybrid work models, short-handed staffing, layoffs, furloughs, resignation of coworkers seeking different employment—and all the while with the stress of illness, racial challenges, upsetting world events, and constant media buzz about all of the above. It’s a lot to take. And our mental health has suffered as a result.

As an employer, you can have a direct impact on the mental health and wellbeing of your workers simply through support in the workplace. The following five techniques can help your employees manage their mental health for the best possible outcomes: 

1. Provide mental health benefits.

This can include coverage for counseling, employee assistance programs, and even resources such as health care apps for phone or text support. Many services now exist. Do some research or work with your health benefits administrator or health insurance carrier to discover your options.  

2. Make self-care part of your company values.

Don’t let your workers struggle in silence. Make mental health a regular topic that you promote and provide information about the value and importance of self-care, with room to help your employees take care of their mental well-being. This includes flexible scheduling to accommodate personal needs, adequate paid time off, and mental health resources.  

3. Keep an open-door policy.

If a worker needs support to handle stress, anxiety or another mental health issue, keep your door (and your ears) open. Make it easy for your workers to discuss their concerns with you and find solutions to ease stress.  

4. Encourage breaks.

These are important to the functioning and well-being of your workers. Don’t let anyone go without their daily breaks, and encourage them to take vacation. It’s not a badge of honor to lose unused PTO at the end of the year!  

5. Practice what you preach.

Follow your own lead. Be a good example for your workers, as they will be watching you and mimicking your actions. Take breaks, use your PTO, and don’t set the example that the workday stretches beyond 5 PM. Leaders are the primary example of what work/life balance should look like.  

Don’t let your employees work short-staffed 

Working short-staffed can lead to overwhelm and burnout among your workers picking up the slack. Instead, be sure your staff is well-rounded. Let HireCall help. To learn more about the staffing services we offer, reach out today!