Can Your Remote Team Help Improve Company Culture?

Portrait of young smiling cheerful entrepreneur in casual office making phone call while working with laptop

Your culture is formed by your company’s mission, vision, and values and how they are carried out. These elements provide a framework for communication, collaboration, and teamwork. An engaging company culture promotes employee engagement, performance, and productivity. This culture also elevates job satisfaction, employee morale, and attraction and retention rates. As a result, you should […]

Improve Your Job Descriptions

Improving your job descriptions involves making them more inclusive. Greater inclusivity increases your pool of qualified applicants. Having more qualified applicants to interview increases the diversity of your workforce. Diverse employees help strengthen your bottom line. Implement these tips to improve your job descriptions. Use Gender-Neutral Language Gender-coded words encourage more candidates who identify as […]

Improve Your Team’s Mental Health by Following This List

Creative people working in office on computer

According to a 2021 study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an estimated 28.2 million adults experienced severe mental illness in the previous year. Many of these adults with jobs were absent for many days or were substantially less productive than colleagues because of mental health struggles. Employees with good mental […]

Need to Improve Your Company Culture to Attract and Retain Employees? Here’s How!

Cheerful multiracial colleagues looking at camera in office

Your company culture comprises your organization’s mission, vision, and values. These characteristics impact the attitudes and behaviors of employees at all levels. Your culture helps attract and retain employees. As a result, you want your culture to be as attractive as possible. These tips can help. Implement these tips to improve your company culture and […]

How to Increase Diversity in the Workplace

Group Of Diverse People Waiting For Job Interview

Diversity in the workplace involves employees who differ in race, ethnicity, age, gender, education, religion, ability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. A diverse workforce provides new ideas and perspectives, leading to more significant innovation. Increasing diversity in the workplace elevates employee engagement, performance, and productivity. This leads to greater job satisfaction, employee morale, and retention. […]

Winning Over Talent

Woman using video chat for online job interview in office

Winning over talent during the Great Resignation is increasingly challenging. Many employees leave their jobs for opportunities that align with their values and lifestyles. Employees expect a personalized experience that meets their needs throughout their careers. As a result, employers must provide an exceptional employee experience throughout hiring, onboarding, training, employee development, and succession planning. […]