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Do unto to others as you would have them do to you. This theme permeates everything we do at HireCall. We believe in an honest and mutually respectful workplace. This is what we practice. It is what we expect from our applicants, associates and clients. Regardless of industry, we aim to conduct ourselves as professional ladies and gentlemen who work with and serve professional ladies and gentlemen.
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Equal Opportunity Employer
HireCall’s policy is to recruit, interview and place the best qualified full time or temporary employee for each assignment without regard to age, sex, race, creed, color, religion, disability, or national origin. HireCall complies with the requirements of The Americans With Disabilities Act.
When Your Assignment Ends
Please contact HireCall if your assignment ends for any reason. If you would like us to reassign you or find you another job, we need to know. Otherwise, you may nullify your rights for unemployment benefits and miss out on some really amazing new opportunities.
Walking Off the Job
If you abandon your assignment and walk off the job without talking to your onsite manager and your local HireCall representative in advance, you may will only be paid the minimum wage allowable by law for the time you spent at the assignment.
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Equal Opportunity Employer
HireCall’s policy is to recruit, interview and place the best qualified full time or temporary employee for each assignment without regard to age, sex, race, creed, color, religion, disability, or national origin. HireCall complies with the requirements of The Americans With Disabilities Act.
Temporary-to-Hire Policies
If you wish to hire a specific HireCall employee as a permanent staff member, we have a simple temp-to-hire policy. Try them out on our payroll for an agreed amount of hours which gives you time to make a decision about an employee. If you’d rather hire them sooner, a buyout can be arranged. Either way, the employee will never be charged a fee by HireCall or the client company.
Our Payment Policy
All invoices are due upon receipt because we process our employees’ payroll and associated payroll taxes on a weekly basis. Any invoice that remains unpaid after 30 days is considered delinquent and is subject to a 1.5% late fee per month.
A Minimum Placement Period
HireCall employees are guaranteed assignments of at least four hours per day unless special prior arrangements are made.
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