Employees Should Know These Four Workplace Safety Tips

No matter where you work, there are always steps you can take to keep yourself safe. When you’re aware of these safety concerns, you’ll have a much easier, healthier and pleasant workplace experience, regardless of what that workplace may be!  

Four workplace safety tips 

While going about your day, following a few easy processes will help you stay out of harm’s way. Always follow these four safety protocols: 

1. If you see something, say something.

Spills, damage to workplace materials, unsafe walking conditions… these are all important situations to bring to the attention of your boss or supervisor. Never assume that someone else will notice an unsafe situation and take care of it… the next person who encounters the condition may slip, trip, fall or otherwise injure themselves. It’s always better to take care of an unsafe condition as soon as it happens.   

2. Keep your workstation clean.

The thing about clutter is it adds up. One stack of boxes or a few scattered tools can quickly add up to a heap of items that can fall, become a tripping hazard or worse. Your best bet is to keep your workstation clean from excess items and put things away when you’re done using them. And in terms of germs, wipe down your workstation on a regular basis with sanitizing wipes.  

3. Wear the required personal protective equipment (PPE).

PPE became a common phrase during the pandemic, but it doesn’t have to do with just a face mask or gloves. PPE is any equipment required to keep you safe during your job, and differs based on the type of job you have. It could include shoes with non-skid soles, a hard hat, heat-resistant gloves, and more. Never skip this critical safety step—always wear your PPE, and replace it right away if it becomes worn or damaged.  

4. Take your breaks.

Your mind and body need to rest, which is why it’s important to take your breaks. If you become overtired (physically or mentally), you’re more likely to make mistakes. And if you’re operating potentially dangerous tools or machinery, it’s important to stay alert. Always take your lunchbreak, as well as your 10-minute breaks.  

Feel you need training? 

If there’s an aspect of your job that makes you feel unsafe, like a tool or piece of equipment you feel you need extra training to operate, talk to your supervisor or boss. Your recruiter may also be able to arrange for worksite training.  

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